According to sec 2(20) of the companies act, 2013 “’A company is a company formed under the companies Act 2013 or under any of the previous acts relating to companies.” A company may be defined as “an incorporated association which is an artificial person, having a separate legal entity, with a perpetual succession, a common seal, a common capital compromised of transferable shares and limited liability.”

There are some benefits of registering a private limited company. You will have some legal capacities such as opening a bank account with a name of your company, recruitment of employee officially any many more. Registered company attracts more customers than un-registered company. While you register your company you should check that your company name should be unique otherwise your application may be rejected.

There’s no other Company Registration in Moradabad excluding us and we are here to serve you better. We will help you to create and register a company in your city. If you have a company but not register still, visit our Company Registration Office in Moradabad tell us about your company and do formality to register your company.

While registering company you should submit your valid and required documents. All information should be visible in all documents. You will have to send information about your office too such as – your identity proof, address proof, office address proof. In document submission of office you must be submit your water bill, rental service agreement etc.

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