Trademarks registration– Trademarks are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 and provide the trademark owner with a right to use for damages when infringements of trademarks occur. Once a trademark is registered, R symbol can be used and the registration will be valid for 10 years. Registered trademarks nearing expiry can be easily renewed by filing a trademark renewal application for a period of another 10 years.

Webetax is the market leader in trademark filing services in India, offering a variety of trademark services like trademark filing, trademark objection reply, trademark opposition, trademark renewal and patent registration. Get a free consultation for trademark registration by scheduling an appointment with an IndiaFilings Trademark Expert.

Basically, a trademark is a “brand” or “logo” that you can use to distinguish your product from those of your competitors. Through trademark registration or you can say logo registration/brand registration, you can protect your brand or logo by restricting other people from using the same. For e.g. the logo of NIKE and their tagline JUST DO IT is a registered brand name. By trademarking your logo or brand, you are providing it protection as it is illegal to use the same logo or tagline

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